Disclaimer & Archive Info

Landon passed away before he had the chance to publish the updated maps he had completed—or nearly completed—by early 2015. The maps shown above were compiled from the files he had been working on. They were not proofread and may contain errors. The fold-out map still shows visible notes for items he intended to update.

I've posted digital copies of the 2009 book, the 2015 updated book, and the 2015 updated fold-out map here on the website for personal, non-commercial use. These files are flattened/rasterized and password-protected to prevent editing. A few users have reported being prompted for a password when opening or printing, though I’m not sure why this happens and unfortunately can’t provide a fix.

There will be no further printed editions of the map book or fold-out maps.

While no rights are granted, you are welcome to download and print one copy of the books and fold-out map for your own personal use. Please do not reproduce the maps electronically or violate the copyright in any way—for example, by tracing the book and reselling it as your own, or hosting it on another website.

I don’t know of any sources for the older books—there are no stockpiles, as far as I’m aware. Landon often said that The Discover Baja Travel Club was a great resource for information about Baja California.

Contact Us & FAQ

Q: Where can I purchase printed copies of the books?
A: Unfortunately, I don’t know of any place to buy copies of the older books—there are no stockpiles that I’m aware of. Landon often said that The Discover Baja Travel Club was an excellent resource for information about Baja California.

Q: I downloaded one of the maps and I’m being asked for a password. What do I do?
A: The PDF files are password-protected to prevent editing, but they should still open and print normally. If you're being asked for a password, try opening the file with a different PDF reader—sometimes that solves the issue. Unfortunately, I don’t know why this happens and can’t offer a specific fix. Sorry about that.